
Welcome to the home page of the blog Answering the Call: Ministerial Education.

This site is designed to be a place of discussion, source of information, and a fount of support for those who seek to understand what ministry is, who is ministered to, and who does the ministry, and how we prepare for that ministry.  Though there is a decided Christian bent to the site, all people of faith are welcome.

We do have a few rules.

1) No Flaming ever.  If you break the rule, you will get one warning, and then you will be banned from the site.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

2)This is a place for discussion.   Keep the discussions civil and respectful. Keep in mind that sometimes you will have to agree to disagree.

3) The content for this site is reader driven.  Our readers/contributors  include professionals, professors, laity, clergy, students, and a number of others.  If you would like to contribute a blog post, research article or suggested reading/book review, please email me at sideseat at yahoo . com.

Thanks for joining us in this Journey!

Dr. Mel

4 Responses to “Home”

  1. Hi Mel:

    I’m very honored to have been included in your new network and community. The theme you’ve chosen is certainly one of critical importance and significance. Since my area of expertise is specifically in the area of Christian Worship, my contributions will likely lean in that direction and speak from that bias. Nevertheless, I yet hope that I can offer something worth while and helpful as future dialogue gets underway. Blessings to all of you in abundance.

    His Servant & Yours,

    Rick Redmond, Chicago

    • Rick,
      Given that the vast majority of Christians get most of their christian formation and preparation for ministry in the midst of worship, your focus area is very important. Your contribution will be valued.

      Blessing and peace.

      Dr Mel

      • Thanks, Mel. As I’ve always believed, Worship is neither merely confined nor defined by the Sunday morning ritual or liturgy. I believe that Worship is happens 24/7 by all that we choose to think, say and do in response to Who God is, what He expects, what He has said, and what He has done, is doing, will do, etc.

        Rick Redmond, Chicago

  2. By the way, the site looks Gorgeous! Very well done, indeed! Ciao’

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